
Hi my babies!!!!! I know it's been forever since I last posted, but don't worry and i still writing both books anddddd........drum roll please................both books will be updated TODAY so be on the look out.



I’m back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know it’s been forever since I’ve updated either one of my by books, life has really gotten in the way of that, from school to work etc. But I am finally on a good schedule to where I can update more so be ready both books have new chapters coming out tonight!!!!!




Also I will be re-Editing previous chapters to!!!


You guys have been so patient with me and I want to say thank you for that and I know that you all have been waiting for a long awaited chapter and tonight I will be updating one book tonight and the other tomorrow.Because I still want to go back and edit and to make sure everything is good and that all my readers will like the chapters.
           Thank you again to those who have stuck with me through both books and on my sucking updating schedule, you guys are the best, and the reason I keep writing and all the positive feedback is so amazing and just-makes me happy that you all love both of my stories so much.  
          And also be on the look out because I may or may not have another book I am writing.
          Thank you all-
          Love J.


updating both books today!!!!! I know that I have been gone for a while but college has been taking a lot of my time up but I am making a full promise that I will try to update every weekend thank you all so much for sticking with me through this whole process.
          I love you all so much!!!!!!    ;)      <3


Sooo I get some many hate comments about chasing after about how they shouldn’t spank because that’s abuse and why put bdsm in it case you haven’t notice there are why explicit books than me and they are good but more detailed and I’m getting all the hate and saying that I should delete my book well thanks to all the haters because you guys are motivating me more and more to continue both of my books so thanks from the bottom of my heart


@loveyou1977 I like reading your books and I am not put off by spanking or the bdsm because it is only natural to explore to make sex life more interesting independing on the persons interests 