
          	Finally back, my phone broke so I didn't get to screenshot my email's password lmao. Hence the reason I can't log in here because i can't remember the password of my email linked in my wattpad. I forget things easily sorry loll. will try to make up for all the months i've been away don't worry! 
          	Thank you for always being so patient to me and for loving my works.


Unnieeee... Plzzz make more HWANG IN YEOP BOOKS PLZzzz I LOVE YOUR BOOKS SM


@loviefics thank you for coming back !!


@loviefics omygooosh, welcome baaackkk


Hello writer, I wanted to ask you to please not delete the fanfic you are translating into Spanish, you are giving you your well-deserved credits, I already read yours and it's incredible, but since I don't know English when I want to reread it I have to sometimes translate it with Google or when I don't have internet I can't see it through the translation. Besides, let her be known more for her stories, she is giving you her well-deserved credit, you deserve more to let her translate and to know her work as well as in Spanish, there are like two Romancing stories, I don't know if you know that story that is also in English, for me the prota was terrible as a second option for Seojun, it's as if I were watching the kdrama, so give him the opportunity to translate his two fanfics, we beg you, mainly because I already read your fic but now it would be incredible in Spanish.


Hello, writer, I want to tell you, aside from the fact that I hope you don't get angry, but since I had already told you, that I already had several episodes done, I uploaded them to the fic “Unexpectedly, Yours” and I also have some of “Goodnight N' Go”, although I have already published another one, I simply changed the casting. I hope it doesn't bother you. In addition, I am giving you the well-deserved credits that are due to you and, since I will be busy, I will only publish the chapters I have in drafts. I just hope you'll give me the chance to translate it and don't get upset about it


Hello, I wanted to tell you that if you gave me your authorized permission to publish your two Seojun stories in Spanish, I just wanted to change the cast a little to make it look more entertaining and also the quotation marks in the paragraphs because, in Spanish, they are not understood and I would have to add this line ━━ of separation of words to them. I would give you the credit you deserve, because you created great jewelry and you deserve more people to see your work. Besides, I already have 5 chapters written in Spanish of “Unexpectedly”, I just want your authorization because I don't like to piss off writers. Kisses and take care of yourself. (^ω^)


Hello writer, I wanted to tell you that I love your stories, I have a lot of admiration for creating these little jewels and I hope to do one for family by choice soon and I wanted to tell you that if you would give me your granted permission to translate your story into Spanish so that more people can see this fic the one from Unexpectedly, Yours would give him the well-deserved credit he deserves, I just want to improve the cast a little if it's not annoying and allow me to. Kisses and take great care Rein@ (´∧ω∧`*)


          Finally back, my phone broke so I didn't get to screenshot my email's password lmao. Hence the reason I can't log in here because i can't remember the password of my email linked in my wattpad. I forget things easily sorry loll. will try to make up for all the months i've been away don't worry! 
          Thank you for always being so patient to me and for loving my works.


Unnieeee... Plzzz make more HWANG IN YEOP BOOKS PLZzzz I LOVE YOUR BOOKS SM


@loviefics thank you for coming back !!


@loviefics omygooosh, welcome baaackkk