Hello writer, I wanted to ask you to please not delete the fanfic you are translating into Spanish, you are giving you your well-deserved credits, I already read yours and it's incredible, but since I don't know English when I want to reread it I have to sometimes translate it with Google or when I don't have internet I can't see it through the translation. Besides, let her be known more for her stories, she is giving you her well-deserved credit, you deserve more to let her translate and to know her work as well as in Spanish, there are like two Romancing stories, I don't know if you know that story that is also in English, for me the prota was terrible as a second option for Seojun, it's as if I were watching the kdrama, so give him the opportunity to translate his two fanfics, we beg you, mainly because I already read your fic but now it would be incredible in Spanish.