
Hey guys! So basically, I've decided to put the new fanfic on hold and upload one that's not 1D related! Sorry, if you guys are going to hate me for that, but I'm getting a little bored of 1D fanfics because they all end up the same way... Idk but this one is still going to be a romance... and the chapters are shorter so it's easier to upload with all of my homework and school stuff going on! So, don't hate me! (: xxx


Hey guys! So basically, I've decided to put the new fanfic on hold and upload one that's not 1D related! Sorry, if you guys are going to hate me for that, but I'm getting a little bored of 1D fanfics because they all end up the same way... Idk but this one is still going to be a romance... and the chapters are shorter so it's easier to upload with all of my homework and school stuff going on! So, don't hate me! (: xxx


Hello:) can I pretty please have a Harry one? <3 haha but with all of the boys in it and maybe Eleanor and Danielle and perrie too? I don't really care what the situation in but something romantic and funny....but not like a proposal! Haha:) thanks do much <3 PS I loved your last fanfic. I read the whole thing in about 2 hours cuz I only just found it when it was finished :P (; 


Hey guys! So I posted the description of the new fanfiction! I'll post the first chapter in a few minutes, I just have to proof read! 
          YES! It is a fanfic about ALL of the boys (: It's going to be a longer one than my first, and I hope you all love it (: Bear with me, because the first few chapters might be a little boring because I'm trying to set everything up, BUT all of the boys' characters should be introduced in the first 3-4 chapters max (: ENJOY IT! xx


Hello ! (: I would like a one shot 
          Name : Isabel 
          Boy : Hazza Styles
          Situation : Hmm.....ohh I have always wanted to read something with a heart break so, I as curious to see what you would write if Harry cheated on me.I know wowed situation but I kinda wanted to see what you would write for me and Harry (:


WOOOOOOO!! I hit 5K reads!! Thank you all of you! You make me happy (: SO I decided to start the new fanfic! And it's a surprise... but I'm sure you'll love it (: (: 
          Oh dear, I'm way more excited than I should be... 5K is like nothing to the people with like 11,000,000 reads ahah.... #pathetic anyway... I'm going to finish the first chapter of the next one and hopefully upload a little later!! (: 