Hey everyone! I'm back! I took a long break because I had writers block and I wasn't happy with the way my stories were going so I want to start fresh. I will be keeping a lot of my popular stories up but some of the stories that not many people read or that are old, I will be un publishing them. I was going through a weird time in my life and I really want to start fresh and make meaningful stories. I was getting some hate messages about my books not being good enough because there wasn't enough drama or smut added in and I listened to those people and sure, my view count went up but that doesn't matter anymore to me. I want to really work on my writing skills and make stories that i'm proud of. So, if you see some of my stories disappear, don't be alarmed. I will still have them but they will be un published on this sight. If you've read all of this, thank you. I appreciate that. Comment on this post or private message me letting me know because that means a lot to me. Thank you.