
Cambié formato#!


My day of today...
          Today I went to a camp for wayward teenagers, or so they call it. I got a new friend, her name is Rosetta, but I call her Rose, like the one from blackpink. I also met a 17 year old boy, very cute, he is in love with me, but I rejected him since I have my boyfriend Edward. 
          I had a great time at the camp, except that some 20-year-old men tried to kidnap me. We were in the park and I walked away a little, and out of nowhere some young people approached me and started saying horrible things to me, and I tried to walk away, but one grabbed my arm and tried to put me in his truck... Luckily my teacher arrived with all my classmates and saved me.


Reed my day of today!!!^^♡♡
          I wake up, and brush my teeth, and dressed up... My best friend call me, because her mom yesterday death. And she wants that to accompany in the journey. 
          I have fear, because her father wants abusse to me..... Im not ass with paws.....
          I just wanna be alive.


Read my day of today! #~^^♡
          Me desperte y tome una fria ducha... Y me prepare para salir ya que mis tios me lo permitieron ♡ 
          Me reencontre con mi vieja ex friend Lummy y comimos elotes y tomamos helados!!~♡.... Aunque no todo es bueno... Ya que en todo el dia ella me estuvo diciendo que era una gorda de mierda, just for eating dos elotes mas que ella... O sea... I just wanna eat... I just wanna be feeling happy... 
          I just wanna be pretty....