old threads below

* yeah chat say goodbye to shimo...

@sailsolated- * HELP, lucky 4 you it's just the one, he may return if I have muse..

@frostsit / I was saying that because like.. one shot for shimo, another for sokudo.


"what? you got some sort of problem with me?"

"how ominous of you." he mused , hands tucking away into his pockets. "mind enlightening me about why you might have one with me then?"

/ cb & spec. mood

FROST NUISANCE. thread below, dni.

WAIT. He definetly tried different brands of store bought ice cream and went " hey, I can do way better" and makes homemade ice cream for himself. yes yes, very canon.

favorite food is ice cream.. what a shocker. ( that doesn't count as real food ) perused magazines with bored eyes just because he can, even if it seems like a waste of time. sleeps sporadically throughout the day, he prefers meandering the night. the cold air and moonlit walks are his favorite to enjoy in silence. while everyone sleeps or all is quite he can walk in the dark, all alone.

age ranges from around early 20s to latest 20s, the informations all enclosed. he's destroyed every bit possible of his stuff in the system. damaged computers, files, anything he could figure his hands on. thus earning himself a villainous eye from the public, partial nuisance one as well. but he couldn't care, no ome deserved to know anything of his unless he deemed someone worthy. fat chance of that though! never has had a meaningful connection in his life, perhaps because people see good or bad more than morally grey areas. everyones the enemy until well.. maybe just forever? shimo didn't need anything but his power to live the life he wanted. ( only folks he's genuinely passive to are older folks, grannies and such. the kind ones that is, ones that don't nag and complain and whine. )

“ would you cut that out , dude ? i’m trying to send a text and you’re distracting me . “

i'll admit, that was kind of fun. ( he states, sliding down the slope of ice, he'd made to brace the impact. ) not the being punched part but, you get the jist. how bout you put your back into the next one if you / really / want it to hurt. ( gloved palms grip closed and the air around him seemed to grow colder. ) not into being bored. @IINVINCIBLES

@frostsit “ aw you think i’m pretty ? i’m so flattered , “ finally he put his phone in his pocket , flying forward nearly at the speed of sound , his fist connecting with the other man’s face . for obvious reasons he held back . wasn’t like he was going for the kill , but it was enough to send any normal person flying . it was almost like he was gauging the other’s strength .

don't insult me, pretty boy. i could lower the temperature of the earths core if i tried hard enough. ( arms are crossing and full white eyes were narrowed in displeasure, seems he took the " chilly " comment as offensive. ) @IINVINCIBLES

"is this supposed to intimidate us? should we be acting scared? um — do it again , we'll react better this time!"

"okay!" he replied gleefully , arms thrown up in a cheer. "we — well / I / don't mind helping out! seems fun trying to see if we can get out or not. c'mon , c'mon — let's do it!"

no, it's suppose to get you to piss off. maybe i should make them larger and sharper. hmm, been workshopping unbreakable ice, maybe you'll have my test subject. @nemesism-

"yeah well I know / way / more about him than you! I think that makes me a better rival."

" / I'm / the moron? it doesn't matter if it stops you from doing it , what matters is that it won't work." although it couldn't be seen , he gave a roll of his eyes , his tongue childishly sticking out alongside the action. "sure , if you only wanna be seen as a nuisance. is that your way of flirting? I don't think he's taking to it like you'd hoped."

what do you think your "safety measures" are gonna suddenly deter the idea from my head? man, you're a moron. ( his white hueless seeming eyes, narrowed into a malicious glare. ) shut it. that's just the fun part of getting in his way, makes / me. / more mememorable, unlike random nobodies who play with gadgets and gizmos. @technode-