
Ok guys I’m having a writer crisis so I’m scrapping that other story bc I have no idea how to start it BUTT I do have an idea, bare with me! It’ll be probably just TWDG TFS but with my oc because then I actually have something to go off of so I think it’ll be a good start!


Ok guys I’m having a writer crisis so I’m scrapping that other story bc I have no idea how to start it BUTT I do have an idea, bare with me! It’ll be probably just TWDG TFS but with my oc because then I actually have something to go off of so I think it’ll be a good start!


Alrighty you guys, gonna start out with that “joke” high school book to test out my writing skills and get comfortable with writing in general, once I am more comfortable with that I’ll start on my more serious story that takes place in the actual TWDG universe!


Also, I’ll be deleting The Big Bad Wolves because I just can’t think of an idea for it anymore and I just lost interest in writing it, I’m really sorry to those who were looking forward to more and I really appreciate the support on it! Maybe someday I’ll come back to it :D


What’s up you guys! Well, sorry again for disappearing again I had a fandom crisis in all honesty but now I wanna give writing a try again at some point! Got some stuff planned for the future :0, I’m also re reading a bunch of my favorite books on here for inspiration so I think that’ll boost my motivation to write! I hope you are all doing alright!


Hi everyone! I’m so sorry that I’m not very active on here anymore, I’ve been caught up with other things and I’ve been focusing on school and taking time for myself, I just remembered I’ve been awfully quiet here and I do apologize! <3


Sorry I haven’t been updating my story, I honestly don’t have any ideas for it and I have a lot of issues in my personal life going on, but I MIGHT make another story as a comfort to try to ease my stress a bit, thanks for the support though everyone! Every comment I receive means a lot to me! ❤️


So if you have Netflix and haven’t watch The Mitchell’s vs The Machines yet, drop what you are doing and go watch it! I was genuinely impressed with how much I loved this movie holy cow, literally my only problem with the movie is a select few of the jokes as they seem outdated, but they still manage to make me laugh and are pretty funny in the context! Otherwise, 9.5/10 movie! I haven’t laughed so hard at a movie in quite a while