
More AmoxGreta moments alert!!!
          	Chapter 40 of Bound by Twisted Fate is out now!
          	See you there.
          	Love ❤️


It's finally time for some Amo-Greta moments!!!
          New chapter will be out in a few hours... Keep your eyes open for the notification.
          See you there.
          Love ❤️


Surprise surprise!
          Chapter 38 of Bound by Twisted Fate is live now!
          I’ll see you there.
          Love ❤️


@lsashling Finally, the wait is over☺️


@maria_mez Hey I'm doing great, thanks!!! hope all's great with you as well!


          I really love this fanfic, it’s one of the best ones I’ve ever read. Your writing is amazing, would love to see this story continue. Please don’t give up on this one.
          Looking forward to an update soon!


@KPSurvivor Hey there! Thank you so much... I really appreciate you taking the time to write this message ❤️ And there's no way I'm giving up on this. Update's coming soon :)


Hello! How are you?
          I miss the fanfic but I saw that it will be back soon, I'm looking forward to it!
          A suggestion would be for you to do like Cora and release a teaser for the next chapter
          You can do it on your Instagram
          Who knows, maybe the return date would be December 9th, that is, one year since the last chapter of the fanfic
          I would love it


@Regina_AG I really love your suggestions... I've actually been away from social media for a long while as well and I don't see myself getting back there anytime soon... so teasers and sneak peeks are sadly not possible... but I can surely do something about the full-length chapters


When will there be an update? I'm loving it, please don't say that you gave up on the fic 
          Do you intend to do something like Tiffany doing harm to Greta and it is at this moment that she loses the possibility of getting pregnant the same in the book or will Tiffany be irrelevant ()?


@Regina_AG I'm sure I shouldn't give away spoilers so blatantly but experiencing pregnancy together is something I definitely want for Amo and Greta.... 
            As for Tiffany's relevance... You'll have to find out in the story ahead... 
            Needless to say, I'm never giving up on this one <3 
            I'll post an update on the status of the next chapter soon :) 


Hey how's it going?
          Is there any expected return date?


@lsashling Oh my god, counting the days✨✨


@AnnaCecilia19 hey! I'm good... Hope you are too.... 
            I won't give a solid date just yet but I'm hoping to get back to this haven around early to mid June. 


Hey Love! 
          I know you are waiting for the next chapters of Bound by Twisted Fate, and I'm sorry but you'll have to wait some more. 
          I'm putting the story on hold for now. 
          It's my last semester in college and I've been spending almost the entire day on weekdays in the laboratory for the last few months. Add that to my freelance work and I barely have the time or the willpower to jump into the story writing headspace. 
          I've tried working on the next chapters and things have gotten somewhere... But it just doesn't feel right. And the last thing I want to do is to spoil the story just for the sake of writing it. 
          I've taken some time off from college to visit my family. And this has made me realize just how stressed I've been about everything I'm doing and not doing. So I've decided to go easy on myself for now. 
          I absolutely hate writing this and I've been putting this off for weeks now. But considering how amazing of an audience you've been thus far, it'd be just too cruel of me to keep you hopeful and waiting. 
          Amo and Greta still dance around in my head, creating the most beautiful scenarios at the most inconvenient of times, as always. And I can't wait to share them with you. 
          This breaks my heart but doing this is important for me. And I hope you'll understand and be here when I get back because now I can't imagine Bound by Twisted Fate without you ♥️
          Just for a few short months, guys. 
          Until then, 
          Take care ♥️
          With loads of love, 


@Vaidehi_7116 thank you so much... For the support and the wishes... God knows I need it... You too take care ♥️


@lsashling It's absolutely fine, I love Amo and Greta and under no circumstances would I ever leave this book until you finish it. And it's ofcourse necessary for you to take of yourself and your mental health! I wish you all the best for the last semester!!! ✨✨