
Hello everyone, to begin with I want to thank every single one of you for liking my stories but sadly I wont continue writing any longer, as my life has gotten busy as of the moment and I’m focusing on other stuff. 
          	I will delete my unfinished stories and leave the ones I’ve finished. 
          	Thank you so much for your support, it means a lot. 
          	And I’m sorry for leaving every single one of you hanging:( 


@yakelin2906 stil sad ): because his missing piece is one of my favourites even though it's still not done ):


@yakelin2906 Author no please you can still leave unfinished story as it is. Cause even though some of them are unfinished they are still a masterpiece.


Hello everyone, to begin with I want to thank every single one of you for liking my stories but sadly I wont continue writing any longer, as my life has gotten busy as of the moment and I’m focusing on other stuff. 
          I will delete my unfinished stories and leave the ones I’ve finished. 
          Thank you so much for your support, it means a lot. 
          And I’m sorry for leaving every single one of you hanging:( 


@yakelin2906 stil sad ): because his missing piece is one of my favourites even though it's still not done ):


@yakelin2906 Author no please you can still leave unfinished story as it is. Cause even though some of them are unfinished they are still a masterpiece.


Hi autor-nim, since this morning I don't remember the title of a one shot of MiMin.
           I don't remember if it's one of yours or someone else's fanpage.
           If I tell you more or less the plot, would you tell me if it belongs to one of yours?


          I’m going on Hiatus for a bit
          I have a lot going on at school and at home. I don’t want to leave you guys hanging, but I have to get myself together first. 
          Thank you for understanding, I promise I will be back soon. 
          And I appreciate everyone of you for reading and voting on my story’s. And actually liking my story’s :)
          Please wait for me, don’t leave 


@yakelin2906 Don't forget to stay safe bestie :)