I'm translating some larry fics from ao3. If one of them belongs to you and you want me to delete it because you don't want to have it here, message me without hesitation, and I'll take it down immediately. I will always give all the credits to the respective author.
  • Se ha unidoDecember 24, 2020

Historias de larryxx28
Every Lonely Place | l.s traducción de lsxx28
Every Lonely Place | l.s traducción
Enfrentando que ha estado priorizando su carrera sobre su relación, Harry le pide matrimonio a su novio Louis...
can i not like you for a while? | l.s traducción de lsxx28
can i not like you for a while? |...
Louis Tomlinson es horrible. Harry es igual de difícil, y ambos son terribles con el otro. Aquello hace que e...
The Seed Inside You, Baby, Do You Feel It Growin' | l.s traducción de lsxx28
The Seed Inside You, Baby, Do You...
Louis realmente quiere que Harry lo embarace.
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