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Bruv how is ur English better than me i was little born in UK so it's my first language and who r u calling a slut ?? Weren't u reading the same book as me are u dumb or something ... and mind ur language kiddo I ain't finna take ur shit so keep ur attitude to urself , literally no one likes u even ur own sister is embarrassed bc of you , you got no game so go do something better cuz u seriously sound so stupid and the things u said to a literal "CHILD" aren't mature enough and ur the one who started this whole argument so don't try to act hard , ur a fuckin pussio that's why u even deleted ur comments cuz u were too scared since everyone just kept coming for u and u definitely don't even know what a slut means so go check before commenting dumb shit reading ff's doesn't make people a slut u dumb fuck . And FYI jin doesn't even know u and he doesn't even care now go cry abt it