Aku nggak tahu harus bilang apa. Tapi intinya, aku suka banget sama cerita kakak. Semangat terus ya. Semoga segala urusan di rl cepet kelar. Dan semoga ceritanya dilanjutin. Aku baru nemu cerita kakak sih, tapi udah langsung sukaaa.
@AlekAlek1 i'm sorry, 'cause i'm always busy with studying so i don't have time to publish this story. chapter selanjutnya sudah update kok! thanks udah tunggu ceritaku
Hi everyone! sorry this week I don't think I will update the story because I'm sick and have to rest completely. for the update, it depends on my health, pray that it doesn't take too long. sorry for making you have to wait, thank you. ㅡ Ssyam