this message may be offensive
Another announcement regarding to the stories that I have planned on.
"Olhegro e Sol", "Solar Eclipse" and "Linger", as I have announced on the 6th chapter of "The Colors Screams", will be set aside because I also wrote (or typed) those in my malfunctioned computer and the damned files just won't open.
However, I recently got hyped on some rareships that I have stumbled upon and now have not only one, not even two but THREE (kill me now) stories planned. I have the chapter plot and the cover ready.
My friends say that I write too much on the Angst department and am 100% ready to retaliate. Therefore, I present some Tooth-Rotting Fluffs OiHina, IwaHina and IwaOiHina (yes, kill me now)
So first is "Heliophile", an OiHina fluff fanfic on how everyone reacts on the lovely dynamic of the two and their very very sweet interactions.
Second is "Knight and his Queen", an IwaHina fluff on how a certain few see the two interact. (there's angst in here too XD) (please spare me, I'm snubbing the urge to kill anyone or ruin their mentality) (I swear, I'm no crazy but I may be sadistic)
And lastly, "Their Empress", an IwaOiHina omegaverse fanfic
(kill me please.)
I put three published stories ON HOLD, set three supposed to be published stories aside, dumbly wrote up THREE MORE STORIES and contemplating whether I should continue on writing my other OiHina fanfic.
(If anyone's curious, it's titled "L'amore che Dula" and it's about Hinata being a mafia syndicate heir and Oikawa being the Prime Minister's illegitimate child. Comment if you want that)
So yeah, there ya go.
(end me)