Wish in a well, shooting star in the sky,
We can do anything if we try,
Can't resurrect Ghandi
Can't resurrect King
But if we put our heads together
We can do anything, like
You don't have to be a billionare
You don't have to have much
To show how much you care, like,
Give a wink, give a kiss, like
Give a little happiness, like, like, like,
Hey yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Hey yeah, yeah
If we give a little love,
Maybe we can change the world :3
Hey, talvez você nem vá ver ou responder, mas tudo bem, eu simplesmente senti vontade de espalhar amô e colocar um sorriso no rosto dos meus seguidores... Então se tu tá lendo isso, acredite na mensagem dessa música, sorria, você é amado (a), você vale mais do que ouro ❤
Beijos azuis,
Vilu ❤