I always feel like a burden as I've always been sick since the day I came into the world. Though my parents never allows me to think like that, I still wish I wasn't like this. I'm always needing treatment and medication which definitely costs a lot. And it's even more hard when my mother is suffering from high blood pressure, diabetes, heart problems and vertigo. It's hard for both my parents to take care of me. Especially about food cuz I can't eat normally. I feel nauseous and can't even have foods that I used to love. They always needs to force me to take medicine cuz I always throw a tantrum. I mean, who likes to swallow 4-5 pills all at once? But there are also moments where I make my parents proud too. Like, if you're asking for a definition of what a perfect daughter is like.... Well, here I am. Not only helping around the house with chores and being a perfect wife material despite being sick 365 but also living up to the reputation of my father and leaving an incredible impression on all. Today my father's friend came over. And he definitely loved me. None of my other siblings (I only have two other sisters. One older and the other younger) came out. But I was there serving him and my father dinner and eating with them afterwards while discussing my studies and business (I'm only 15). We talked about the business planning I'm working on (all by myself) and will soon start (pray for me). These are the moments when I feel like I've made my parents proud.
Sharing it here cuz I've no friends to share it with T.T