
I just realised the way I start a conversation with my male best friend is the typical "Yo dude" or "Hey broo" but! My guy starts a conversation with "Yo bae" or "Hey babe" T.T (Also especially when he needs my help. That hoe). When I told him that, I was laughing so hard and he was annoyed af (lmao). He admitted that despite him being a pure masc and a dom, I still somehow bring the little bit of feminism hidden inside him XD. Ig everybody has a hidden pookie side to them, huh?


@wiz_creations03  He just becomes a twink when he's around me (His words  not mine lmao)


@lubi__staa__r__ my male bestie fr (except the 'bae/babe' part lol) 


I just realised the way I start a conversation with my male best friend is the typical "Yo dude" or "Hey broo" but! My guy starts a conversation with "Yo bae" or "Hey babe" T.T (Also especially when he needs my help. That hoe). When I told him that, I was laughing so hard and he was annoyed af (lmao). He admitted that despite him being a pure masc and a dom, I still somehow bring the little bit of feminism hidden inside him XD. Ig everybody has a hidden pookie side to them, huh?


@wiz_creations03  He just becomes a twink when he's around me (His words  not mine lmao)


@lubi__staa__r__ my male bestie fr (except the 'bae/babe' part lol) 


I always feel like a burden as I've always been sick since the day I came into the world. Though my parents never allows me to think like that, I still wish I wasn't like this. I'm always needing treatment and medication which definitely costs a lot. And it's even more hard when my mother is suffering from high blood pressure, diabetes, heart problems and vertigo. It's hard for both my parents to take care of me. Especially about food cuz I can't eat normally. I feel nauseous and can't even have foods that I used to love. They always needs to force me to take medicine cuz I always throw a tantrum. I mean, who likes to swallow 4-5 pills all at once? But there are also moments where I make my parents proud too. Like, if you're asking for a definition of what a perfect daughter is like.... Well, here I am. Not only helping around the house with chores and being a perfect wife material despite being sick 365 but also living up to the reputation of my father and leaving an incredible impression on all. Today my father's friend came over. And he definitely loved me. None of my other siblings (I only have two other sisters. One older and the other younger) came out. But I was there serving him and my father dinner and eating with them afterwards while discussing my studies and business (I'm only 15). We talked about the business planning I'm working on (all by myself) and will soon start (pray for me). These are the moments when I feel like I've made my parents proud.
          Sharing it here cuz I've no friends to share it with T.T


@Park_jiminy684  Ig all mothers are the same. My ma said that too. My fever hasn't gone down but the business is really important to me as I'm determined to do it. So I'll still probably do it when I feel a bit better. Tysm<33


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@lubi__staa__r__ health is very important. one thing my mom told me was that,' if you feel like you can't do something anymore and youre tired just tell urself fuck everything and then do what u want to do at that moment you'll feel better' she said that in my mother language so no idea if i translated right but nvm something like this. so sometimes you need to rest as much as you can ,  forget abou t everything and do whát u want to do


Is it just me or does any of you other girls here have period this frequently? Like I've been having period twice a month and even worse almost thrice... Idk if this is a serious problem but illness doesn't seem to leave my side. What a loyal companion -_-


@lubi__staa__r__ oh i get u i dont like hospitals. cause im afraid of blood and the scent of blood and hospital just gives asdfghjkllqwertzuioyxcvbnm.
            But you might just want to go for a checkup or let ur parents ask for u if u dont want to go


@Park_jiminy684 Yeah. My parents are stressed again. They always are as I'm always having some kinda problem. Now they'll probably drag me back to the hospital again. But trust me I hate that place. The amount of times I've been there is just-


@lubi__staa__r__ damn a friedn told me yesterday her period lasts for a month which doesnt make sense as its supposed to not even take longer than a week but having twice in a month idk, maybe something  because of the diet or exercise idk.


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I just taught my dumb bestie another lesson. Though it was clearly an insulting remark but also very meaningful and encouraging (don't judge that's how I motivate him plus it was beautifully written too ( ̄^ ̄)). But I feel really proud of him and myself as well when he seems to take my words in the way that I want him to and is good for him. He had a toxic situationship before (which I think is stupid; cuz it indeed is) and he's also surrounded by a bunch of punks that doesn't treat him well but he's still stuck with them because they're the only friends he has (we live in different cities) and I'm glad I've been able to drag that bitch back on track and show him his true self worth and tell him to change his self for people that actually cares for him instead of trying to prove himself (he doesn't even have anything to prove to them) to people that doesn't see his worth. And he genuinely found it helpful and appreciates it as he's an adhd kid but has never really had anybody to guide him or never even had anybody who could see through him and understand him. While I can be comfortable with him and talk about my stressful situations which he'll listen to carefully only to make fun of later. But he knows our sense of humour is similar so I'd get his joke which will only lighten our moods. Now we're really good buddies. Whenever he loses his track, I get him back. And whenever I feel troubled, I have a friend to share it with.
          Though I'm having trouble typing, I still wanted to share this after seeing how much progress we've both (especially him) made after meeting each other. Him because he has someone to show him the right path and me because I always have to prove myself superior than him lol.
          But at the end, I'm proud of us both.
          So, keep fighting bitch!


@Park_jiminy684  Fr. He should always be grateful ~(^з^)-♡


I just had a head on collision with a metal cage. I think I had a minor concussion or something. My head, ears, neck and shoulders hurts. I'm getting momentarily vision blurrs. My balance is off and my movements are shaky and sluggish. Even writing this thing is giving me a hard time cuz my fingers are shaky and I keep making typing mistakes. I just wanted to share this despite knowing no one will probably read it.


@Park_jiminy684  Giving all my respect to that person 
            (I say that to myself everyday anyway TT)


@lubi__staa__r__ i get u ive also been trying from 5 to 2 then to 12


Just got back from the hospital. Fortunately nothing severe like last time. But surely a bunch of meds and more doctors cuz my father ain't gon stop there. He needs to make sure that I get the best treatment (I'm grateful and I love him). But I hate going to the doctors TT. And my parents are gonna take me to a nutrition or whatever that is. Hopefully I'll get better


Guys Ik you won't read this but I need help! There's a 1 above my notification icon but when I enter there's no new notification and the number disappears but the moment I step out of notifications, the number reappears TT


@Park_jiminy684 I'm using my phone TT but hopefully it's gone now


@lubi__staa__r__ damn what about loading the app again like yk home tab then open the app again and try again


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I really hate my fucking life. Tho I get a lot of privileges but who likes being sick! True I always get my way with everything but I'm basically being treated as a patient! Just yesterday I was taken to the hospital and then once again– a shit ton of fucking tests. Like this will probably be the 7th fucking time I'll be doing an ultra-sonography over the past few months. Then what was all the previous ultras, CT scan, x-ray and– and the shit ton of other tasts that y'all did on me? Y'all can't even pin point exactly what's wrong with me? Like, even the docs are confused. The most painful tests were the CT scan for my stomach and all of the blood tests TT


@lubi__staa__r__  But still my health isn't improving the slightest bit TT




@Green_tea_spilling  chill cutie (*´∀`*) I didn't know you were taken. Well take that kiss as a loving gesture from you no.1 fan ;)

