It sucks! My math exam didn't go well. Like, I studied so hard for it ꒰╬•᷅д•᷄╬꒱
We've like a 70% thing in here, where, first everyone has to take a tutorial exam which is a total of 30 marks for each subject ( we've 10 subs ). Whatever you scored on the tutorial would be added to what you scored on your final after the deduction of 30 marks from your finals. And that will be your final score.
I.e. : I got 22 marks on my English tutorial exam and 93 on final. They'll deduct 30 leaving me with 63 and then will add the 22 and my final score will be 85 marks.
Now, the problem is that I missed 4 subjects during tutorial as I was admitted in the hospital. Those 4 subs includes math.
My original goal was to score a perfect 100 cuz if they deduct 30, I'll still have 70 and no mark will be added.
But now? I answered about 70 and if I at least get a 60 and then -30 = 30 which means fail! (40 is the passing mark). I'm so fuckin scared (╬◣д◢)