
I want more out of life than this
          	I want more
          	I want more


          and back again
          and back to clockwise 
          scanning the curves
          every pore
          every nearly invisible hair follicle
          the rare freckles and spots
          unknown bumps
          his mind is so far gone
          his as well
          they lay there, basking in the rays of sunlight 
          warmth overcoming anxiety 
          everything; reflecting the gold
          everything; slow and calm
          the birds sing soft and sweet 
          like an interlude 
          this is their interlude
          short and cherished 
          something only seen by them
          alone together
          he found peace in his presence 
          and he felt comfort in his eyes
          and they laid like that
          laid as if time were a myth
          laid as though they were the only two to exist
          their heartbeats in sync
          their breaths as well
          and he liked these moments
          as did he
          and it was calm
          and it was quiet
          and it was their interlude


revisited my old habits today. we talk for a while but this time i listened. i suddenly remembered the things I thought were long forgotten. i even remembered how easily i let the lines blur from my last to my present. now i feel torn. it’s ridiculous spoken aloud but everything sounds better in my head. i dreamt perfection. woke up with a bad taste in my mouth. could’ve been the handful of whatever food i drunkenly shoved in my face hours prior. i’m not mad but if i could hop the fence between past and present i’d singlehandedly break my past nose with my present fist. i’ll leave the rest up to the future.


I misspelled a lot because I’m stupid and smell bad


Speaking of Nirvana, it was there
          Rare as the feathers on my dash from a phoenix
          There with my crooked teeth and companions sleeping, yeah
          Dreaming a thought that could dream about a thought
          That could think of the dreamer that thought
          That could think of dreaming and getting a glimmer of God