
y’all aren’t ready for the next chapter .
          	- izzy (author)


@lucidrcse yay I’m excited  I love your books


@Skskbaiakanao yes :) there’s actually a couple drafts I have waiting just because I have to proofread them before I publish them. But I’ve been so busy with my current story and everything it just went to the back of my mind. I promise there are new one-shots coming soon :).


@lucidrcse are you still updating the one shot book?


y’all aren’t ready for the next chapter .
          - izzy (author)


@lucidrcse yay I’m excited  I love your books


@Skskbaiakanao yes :) there’s actually a couple drafts I have waiting just because I have to proofread them before I publish them. But I’ve been so busy with my current story and everything it just went to the back of my mind. I promise there are new one-shots coming soon :).


@lucidrcse are you still updating the one shot book?


Heyy, i hope u the best in life. And i didnt mean to bother u. But any chances to get some of ur works back?? I really miss them




Hey! I’m so sorry for the late reply.
            “Say Something” was initially taken down because some of the chapters needed rewriting or needed to be fixed, grammatically wise. I see no reason as to why it shouldn’t go back up, even with its imperfections, and it should be back up later this evening. I will still continue my editing of the story, so please don’t worry about any spelling mistakes or timeline overlaps because those will be fixed soon.
            Thanks for your feedback, I really appreciate it. <3


@ IzzAxForDeath  u know that "say something one"


          I apologize profusely for my radio silence.
          To prove I have not forgotten and am still working on the story, here is an excerpt:
          “ "And that gives him the right to kill people?!" Slash scoffed, brushing off Izzy's statement before pointing to the TV. "He's shown the whole country that they should be scared of him."
          "Duff," Izzy turns to the blonde, grasping at straws. He wasn't getting through to Slash. Slash was too scared now. "Please. Back me up."
          Duff shakes his head, tears springing to his eyes. "I don't know what you want me to say, Iz." His voice shook. "This is really, really bad."
          Izzy sighed, crossing his arms. "So...., what? We drive him all the way out here and ditch him? Lock him in here, call the cops, and hope for the worst?"
          "Yes!" Steven scoffed.
          "Had we known he killed a bunch of innocent people, we never would have left LA with him!" Slash snapped angrily.
          Duff laid a hand on Slash's forearm in an effort to calm the man.
          "He told us that he'd killed people. He said he'd wanted to hurt them like they hurt him." Izzy defends Axl.
          Steven looked between the group in disbelief.
          "He also said we were right about him being a monster." Slash retorts. "Still wanna take his word?"
          Izzy scoffs at him.
          "We were wrong for letting it get this far. I'm out." Slash says, throwing up his hands and leaving the room.
          Before any of them could try and say something to Slash, there's was a clattering behind them. 
          They all whirled around to see Axl backing himself against a wall, hugging the blankets closer to himself as he eyed everyone in fear.
          Izzy's voice softened. "Ax..." ”
          TA-DA! Also, I want you all to know that I am most definitely still working on oneshots, especially ones that have been heavily demanded for a while now ;).
          I love you all and thank you for your immense support and patience.
          Much Love <3


          My apologies for leaving you all in the dark!
          I am still working on my GNR Oneshots and chapter five of ‘As Above, So Below’ is nearly finished!
          I apologize, also, for taking as long as i do in between chapters. I got a new job at a warehouse and it’s been wearing me thin ever since the first day. 
          But my schedule around work has been slowly coming together and I’m happy for that because it means more time to write.
          I think that’s all for now!
          Much Love!


          So Chapter 4 of "As Above, So Below" is nearly finished and let me tell you all, you are NOT ready.
          Chapter should be out either later tonight or sometime tomorrow.
          Stay tuned!
          Much Love <3


          HEY GUYS!!
          I am so sorry for the slow updates, but I promise l'm working on it. Life for me has been up and down lately, but I'm working through it. Slowly but surely.
          Apparently, everytime I feel weird I just need to go see my boyfriend and just be with him (lmao).
          But anyway, here's a pretty long excerpt from the next chapter!
          "How could you keep something like this from Duff?" Slash motions vaguely to where Duff is stirring awake, now on the sofa with an ice pack on his head. "How could you bring some monster into his home?!"
          Izzy and Axl flinch at the word.
          Izzy's anger hit the ceiling. "He's not a monster! Watch your mouth."
          Slash scoffed, crossing his arms and looking over to Axl. "So what do you see then?"
          Izzy looked over at Axl, who had tears welling up in his solid white eyes and falling down his pale face.
          The human-like tint in his face had drained away when his mermadic form returned, along with his other human aspects.
          His fingers were webbed again, and no matter how hard he tried to hide the sharpness of his teeth, they were still visible.
          The gills on his neck were ever-present, as well as his pointed ears, which Izzy had only noticed now since Axl had his hair put up.
          His tail was still flicking, something he couldn't much control.
          His barely scary claws scratched gently and nervously at the scales at his hip on his white tail.
          Axl was visibly attempting to close in on himself and it broke Izzy's heart.
          Izzy swallowed, turning back to Slash. "He's not a monster."
          See ya soon! :)
          MUCH LOVE!! <3


          I am so, so sorry that you’ve been left in the dark with my stories.
          In the past few weeks, I got a job, a boyfriend (), and I’m finishing my senior year soon so i can prepare for my GED and get my driver’s license.
          As you can see, I’ve been really, really busy and have barely had time to even glance at this app .
          I still do love writing and I will finish AASB, but updates will be slow.
          I apologize for such short notice, but I’d rather you guys know than to just be left waiting around for god knows how long.
          Ask me anything you need and I promise I will get back to you.
          Much Love <3


          Quick message: My story ‘say something’ Will temporarily be taken down for editing purposes.
          It’s been bothering me for a while, so I figured I might as well get it over with.
          Much Love! <3


@lucidrcse heyy i was worried at first when i cant click on my downloaded library, thought u deleted it. 


@lucidrcse oh ok well i really loved it and cried reading half way through it but i will in fact give you credit


@Babygirleddie as long as you give me credit where it’s due, you can make your story. And yes, I did make that mpreg story, but i decided to unpublish it to fix some things. It’ll go back up, I just need to correct some things.


          I know it seems like I left you in the dark, but I had a bit of writer’s block for a while, stuck on one part I couldn’t get past.
          But I am working on the chapter now and pushing through this writer’s block. I just need to get back in my headspace. 
          I thank you for your patience with me and I promise I’ll try to get this chapter out as soon as I can.
          Much Love <3