
prepare for x readers
          	saeran choi


i hit a writers burn out and school is ,, school, so sorry i haven't updated in years. BUT LADS i might turn tumblr into a general mutlifandom short one shots dumping ground but idk
          anyways,,,,,,,, all things from now one im hoping to make at least 1000 words if not longer so it might mean slower but better and more thought out updates ,


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Its probably really annoying that im always updating tangled lovers but honestly i kinds rushed it and dont like it, so apart from one and a bit chapters the whole thing is completely new and shit ok cool bye night x


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Uh so i found an old one shot im posting for lucifendi but! Its a hanahaki au so be warned theres gonna be mentions of blood and shit,, i will put a warning in the story but this is just an added one !