
Hi guys! Autumn Leaves is back up! I'm gonna keep rewriting and editing it, so if everyone wants I can post a message when I do each chapter, or post it on tumblr. Whatever works! Thanks for being so awesome :)


I just read your status because I just followed you and I have been the exact same way!!! All day I'm just like "I want Tyler back! I don't wanna play without him!" And no one understands my sadness and I'm just like "Its Tyler Seguin. He's adorable. And an amazing hockey player." And I'm still venting to my little brother about how they should have kept him and we'll now I'm babbling so I'll stop talking now!! (:


that really sucks and i just realized today that the comments that i thought i have been posting and the message that i thought i sent you never got through cuz i did it just before my computer crashed so i am sorry about that. as for the company, just keep your head up and dont get too down because hey, if someone wanted to publish your stuff the first time, who says someone wont wanna do it a second time....if that makes any sense haha sorry. anyway, dont get down on this you are an amazing writer and dont let this get to your head. there will definitely be other opportunities because you are a phenomenal writer :) it's always dark before dawn so keep your head up and dont forget how awesome you and your stories are!


So I just found out the publishing company that I signed with is being sued for not paying anybody once the books are published. It looks like I'm going to be backing out of this whole thing, in which case Autumn Leaves will go back up on here.. sorry I got you guys all excited :/