
Y'all know anyone who knows how to photoshop?? IB me on gram!!


& I cannot stress this further.
          Do NOT compare my face claims to others.


@writtenbynellee  buring desire broke my heart I cried reading that book and I'm still crying now u wrote a good book keep up the good work . 


Hi nelle I don't want to step out of line but I have just finished reading all 3 books of the blake family,and in burning desires you were talking about you feel like kavy minus the abortion and miscarriage.if your don't mind me asking are you okay? Are you physically,mentally and spiritually okay? Because don't get me wrong all three books are amazing but they hold a deeper meaning and you placed them to make readers feel the pain of the characters..cause girl you got a bitch crying..but you placed as if you your self is feeling like this........ so are you okay?


I'm glad to know that you're doing ok,I'm doing fine aswell❤️


@Random_crazyperson3 Hey love. First, thank you so much for reading and for feeling so deeply connected to my books. That truly means a lot. I won’t lie there are parts of my writing that come from personal experiences, and I put a lot of myself into my stories. Writing is my way of processing things, but I promise I’m managing. I really appreciate you checking in, though. It means more than you know. I hope you’re doing okay too ❤️


Hi gize....*que the awkward music*
          Uno miss mi? :)


@writtenbynellee daawk yah sa me fi daawk up eh place mhom