
Hello friend! 
          Thank you sooo much for your follow!
          I hope you enjoy my books *-* if you like dark Sci-Fi, maybe you can try my latest one, "Tales for the Unwanted"?  ♥♥♥
          Alternatively, if you like funny romances with big twists, maybe you'll enjoy my recently completed book, "'My Sharona' your ass!"
          I promise you some good laughs :3
          Thank you again, I'd love to hear from you! ♥


@Doctreez thx soooo much for the feedback,i really appreciate it
            Ive also been having trouble writing my book because it keeps bringing me to a page that says "edit story".And im really falling behind in my book.I was recently done with three chapters in my book(DEATH DO US PART),but now i cant start on my chapter four anymore,until i can figure out what is causing the problem
            But really and truly,i hope you get to read those three chapters...
            Thx for the posotive comment,i hope i get to read your books in the future!