First. I Love One Direction.
Second. I swoon over them... like every-night. Maybe 24/7
Third. Nutella is great with marshmallows.

I ship...
Zerrie! Love them so much!

I do a lot of stuff, I'm a busy girl even if I'm always the one who's left in our house.(Dogs are not included, so I'm still alone). I love to draw mostly when Maths is our subject. I'm like "it makes no sense to me". I love to sing, my favorite singers are:

Selena Gomez
Ariana Grande
Taylor Swift (I still respect her even tho she and Harry broke up)
Justin Bieber
Demi Lovato (I Love Heart Attack!)

And I can play the guitar, piano,and a little bit of drums I might add.

I also love to watch:
Friends haha..
Zoella, She's a really pretty girl. Check her in youtube!.
ThatscherJoe, Zoella's brother which I find really cute. Looks and sound like Liam..hmm I just think!
Dicasp, The guys who looks like Louis and Niall when their faces are mashed up.

I'm a shoppaholic, and I love to spoil myself. Really.I love to pamper myslef everyday for no reason. Anyroad, when I'm bored I watch exclamation points video.Yup Danny really looks like Harry.

I wouldlove to meet different people(directioners) around the planet, but, I'm not rich. Sooo awwwww too bad :(

Follow Me on My Twittah accounts!!!

I also have a tumblr! which is:

and lastly I love chese, potatoes, and carrots. Well i'm a rabbit so why shoudn't I?
Please read my story
gossip girl hahaha jk!

-Lm xx.
  • Somewhere down in Harry's pants
  • Lid sindsOctober 31, 2012

Laatste bericht
luckymonkey luckymonkey Apr 30, 2013 01:21AM
@BatmanLover29 hello, same here! Haha nice to meet you. Wish we could be great friends.
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