
Hey Readers! I uploaded a new chapter of H. on Monday, I hope you enjoy! x


Hey Readers! I want to apologize for not uploading very consistently. The past few weeks have been so busy for me at school. I have a couple weeks left, and I will do my best to produce more content soon. Thank you so much for your support and understanding!


Hey Readers! I hope you are enjoying the latest chapter of H.! I want to also thank all of you for your collective effort to reaching 100 followers! This is a huge milestone for me as I didn't think my presence on here would reach out to one hundred individuals. I want to thank everyone for their follow and I look forward to sharing more content with you all soon!


Hey readers! Heres an exclusive sneak peak of tonight's chapter! Stay tuned for chapter 4 of H. at 10pm CST!
          '"So," he starts, "The reason I wanted you to join me for coffee today was twofold. One, obviously, was because I can't take you off of my mind and wanted to see you again at your earliest convenience." He says, and I flush. I am so flattered by that, Harry Styles wants to see me. It's so hard to believe. 
          "And the other reason?" I press.'


Hello readers! I hope you enjoyed the debut chapter of H.! Make sure you vote it up and leave lots of line comments and tell me your favorite/least favorite/cringe/adorable parts! I’m so excited to finally be sharing this story with a public audience. Please come back next week for the release of chapter 2! Here’s a sneak peak of next week:
          {"I'll see you tomorrow for coffee, alright? Be ready by 10. See you, Sunflower." He says softly into the phone. My chest feels warm, and the thought of getting coffee with Harry Styles is almost too much to bear. }