OMG! You are so sweet! I am seriously sitting here freaking out because you said that! *grins from ear to ear* Okay, here's the deal - my computer has been freaking out at me over the last couple months (viruses and the like) so editing has been a huge, terrible mess, but I did get quite a bit done. I've now posted the latest, edited version of the first Potter's Field. Now, for the sequel...I've got a basic outline going, and I know exactly what's going to happen...which means I totally suck because I just can't figure out how to get it down on paper coherently! Kicking myself for my lack of skills! Here's a plus that summer's coming up, I will totally have more time to write! Yay! I hope I can get more for you guys who have stuck with me, but be warned, I'm a horribly slow writer. And after that huge comment (hey, I like the look of my own words - writer here) I sign out with a grateful bow! *bows* You have inspired me to get my butt in gear!