'Betrayal' - New Oneshot from 'Reboot' is now out! Anonymous request<3 I'd lost motivation but I read through the excited comments of my return again and I knew I couldn't disappear like that so yaya, I'm gonna try to post more, I have some ideas and requests and suggestions are open. TW - Randy Bullet - it's my version of closure/end of Ray and Chang gang's story with him. I know many people needed it and it may be late but... yeah, I don't know. Read if you're comfy, otherwise feel free to skip. It's pretty harsh writing but it kind of fit the vibe. Also, this was written over the span of a long time but I hope the difference isn't too stark. Have an amazing rest of your day!<3 https://www.wattpad.com/1466908342-reboot-no-pixel-betrayal