Hey Lucyyyy. I hope you are doing great and I really love the work that you are doing. I I would also like to see that your books really have me on chokehold I cannot get enough of them. I really hope you continue with this books because I have been reading since book one up to book three and I really really love your work you're such an amazing author and I hope that this is going to go on and on. Your books are really amazing I cannot even express how much I love your work through words but I'm really grateful that we have authors like you who keep us posted and I saw dedicated to their work I really wish you well in your journey you are one of my favorite authors. I can't get enough of your amazing work and I'm really in love with your books so please don't lose hope just know that you have very many supporters that are going to support you through this journey that's all I have to say for now. Please continue writing and never give up on your dreams on becoming and author. Thank you so much for the work that you have dedicated and I really appreciate it. That is all for now . Love you so much and continue with the creativity ❤️