
it=t'll, nice Liam. Real smooth.
          	*sigh*...........   *it'll


this message may be offensive
So, apparently in the time I've been away from wattpad a crap ton of stuff has changed. I've only just figured out this new format for one thing, and I seem to be getting followers randomly out of nowhere. I mean, its nice and all, but now I feel obligated to give you guy's something. I know in the past I've said that some new chapters were gonna come out, and I apologize for not following up on that. I've been busy with the web series and a few personal things going on. BUT, I have been working on some new stuff for Aussies vs Zombies. I won't guarantee that it=t'll be released any time soon, but know that things are still in the works! In regards to Project HellFire, I'm working through a writers block at the  moment, so that may take some time; Strangers at the Mall has kind of lost momentum with me, but I will work on bringing that back. 
          Now, in regards to Deaths Bastard. Man, at the time I was real pumped to get that one out, but I think its safe to say that Deaths Bastard is dead.  Can you feel the irony? As tragic as that is, I have some other thang-a-langs to replace it. You may ave noticed that I recently (I say recently, 2 months ago is recent for me) sent out a one off story which was part of an assignment (and yes, I know about the horrendous spelling mistakes, I winced when I re-read it). I reckon I'll try and do one off's more often, they're fun and I don't really have to commit to them that much. 
          And also, a message to the 25 people who have decided to follow me, give me a PM. Seriously, I want to get to know the people who like my crappy stories. Plus, I find myself very bored  lot of the time, so a nice convo with a total stranger would be decent thrill. 
          That's about it. Continue with your browsing good sir!
          P.S, that offer for the Web Series still stands


Sup Guys, Lemon here.
          As some of you may have noticed, my stories aren't getting all that many reads as the months go by, so i'd like to ask your help. I've noticed that I have maybe 4-5 tags on each of my stories (coz I can't really think of any) and would really appreciate it if you guys could send in some tag suggestions? this way, my stories appear more often when people search for new stuff.
          Talk to you's later.


Wow, so, according to my account my last activity on wattpad was FIVE months ago. Yeesh. Please forgive me for my radio silence, but I do have a good excuse! the reason for my lack of chapters is because I've been working on a web series! I'm writing, directing and possibly even  starring in the web series that me and the guys will hopefully have done later this year. This is the first time any of us have done something like this so we are trying to make it as good as possible (hence my dedication and the lack of chapters). It IS a zombie themed show, so anyone who likes my Aussies vs Zombies story should be thoroughly satisfied. That's all the information I'm giving out right now, but this is also a kind of WANTED poster as well to anyone in Townsville Australia; WE NEED ACTORS, Zombies, side characters, main characters and extras are all needed if the series is to go ahead. If anyone is interested private massage me or email me at for details. A kick starter campaign will also be up shortly! Whelp, that's me done, see you guys in five months! (just kidding, that was sarcasm)


All right, time for some clarification. As you all should now, I've recently been doing some weird stuff, i.e I posted a Christmas story on the wrong end of the year, as well as posting a story and then removing it (I'm talking about Strangers at the Mall).  Here's what's been happening, I actually recently up dated An Explosive Christmas so I have a little Author note explaining what that was all about so if you're curious go check that out. And quite frankly, I just didn't like Strangers at the Mall, I felt that I could have done so much more with the story, so I'm heading back to the drawing board with that one.
          Also, you may be confused about my short story Aussies vs Zombies. At the top of that story I have another Author note saying that if you wanted me to make it into a full flunked story, chapters, character development, back story, the whole shebang! Than juice the vote button and I'll be right on it. I'm now also doing story requests, so give me a topic and away I go. NO SONIC FANFIC!
          Next up, an update on Project Hellfire and Death's Bastard. Do not fear my sour friends, for I am hard at planning out chapters and where the stories are going to be heading. I won't spoil it for you, but lets just say, the metaphorical shit hits the fan. Oh, and just a heads up, I'll probably be going back and redoing some of the earlier chapters for Project HellFire, some of that early stuff was written by me, like, three years ago, so as could tell there was some overly childish stuff in there, i.e the doritoes.
          That's really all I got to talk to you guys about, now you's all should be fairly up to speed with where I'm taking my stories. And you guys can blame the lack of chapters on the Australian Curriculum, damn teachers won't give me a brake!
          Anyway, have a great week everybody and start popping suggestions and questions at me whenever you feel like it
          P.S, sorry about how massive this thing is, I don't do short.


Sup guys, Lemon here
          First off, thanks for actually being able to see this by becoming an official LemonHead. it means a great deal to me and i appreciate all of your opinions on my stories. Now, as you have probably noticed, i haven't exactly been juicing out chapters for you guys recently. BUT DO NOT FEAR FOR THE LEMON IS HERE!  right now i am working on many a chapter for Deaths Bastard and Project HellFire, as well as a Christmas special that will be published around Christmas time (duh) and new 'Feel Good Teen Novel' called Strangers at The Mall. i'm pretty excited are you?
           So far Project HellFire has gotten 23 reads and Deaths Bastard has 19. Not too shabby, granted i only have about 9 folowers so..... yeah. anyway.
          thank you for your patience and be sure to juice that vote button when i do get around to posting more chapters.
          Stay Sour all of my LemonHeads,