
this message may be offensive
so lol just a funny little thought/note i just noticed that the animal imagery on my writing's been through the roof these days and i couldn't get why until i looked in the mirror and said out loud "you're a damn vet student of fucking course, I'm surprised it took you this long to fall into the animal™ pit dumbass" but anyways the next one i post's gonna be a doozy so hold tight


this message may be offensive
so lol just a funny little thought/note i just noticed that the animal imagery on my writing's been through the roof these days and i couldn't get why until i looked in the mirror and said out loud "you're a damn vet student of fucking course, I'm surprised it took you this long to fall into the animal™ pit dumbass" but anyways the next one i post's gonna be a doozy so hold tight


not to sound needy, but um !! I wrote something !! and I need your opinion, okay!! I’m tired of checking this app to see if you liked it or not !! 


@ __evemarie ...just a little bit?


You just love making me cry don’t you


@ __evemarie  wait I wanted to make something crystal clear: you don't gotta apologize for NOTHING eve! you have no idea how GRATEFUL and HONORED to be the one you're coming to with this, I'm totally serious! I don't want you to feel needy or begging bc I'm dead serious this made my YEAR, I want you to ask me for anything you ever need with no hesitation PLEASE


          Your book is so beautiful!! I read your poems and I could seriously relate to many of them. I am sure you'll be able to relate to my poems too if you give it a shot! Do follow and support if you look forward to my writings!! All the best for your future writings and your work! I am always there to support you! Thank you so much!!  


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just broke up a 3 year relationship and God it fucking hurts. point is, It'll either be a long time before I post anything here again or you guys are gonna have to deal with a huge depression dump on the writing. Whichever way, bear with me for a while, please. Thanks for the small interactions and thanks especially to Eve, I hope you know your adorable comments and ridiculously good writing got you a special place in my heart! 
          pax, dies clara, et arva virentia pro omnibus


I’m so sorry love. I’m always here if you need to vent :) I hope your pain eases soon and that you are surrounded by love. Take all the time you need, we’ll be here when you get back 


okay so I've been hating the things I write for a good while, imma be honest here. I thought about deleting it all, then deleting some of it, then I realized I can't really delete any of it. I guess I'm too stubborn to let certain things go. Anyway, i couldn't write new stuff while hating on the old ones, so I've been away for some time. Let's see if I can change it.
          (also eve, this one's on you, thanks for keeping at it and making me feel like I may be able to keep at it as well)


@ __evemarie  you got it right, I'll admit. i found out I hate seeing myself so raw and open wounds and i just now realized i hate what I wrote because i hate being vulnerable but, as it always goes: if, from pain, meaning is found, then from meaning, art is born.


I decided awhile ago that I think that writers—ESPECIALLY poets—are normally solitary people, and we start hating our old writing because it feels too vulnerable. We pick out our flaws in it, you know? But our obsession with finding all our weaknesses doesn’t make us any weaker, and it doesn’t make the writing any less beautiful. 
            I’m so glad that you’re trying again!! Thank you for believing in me, it means the world ❤️


i'm trying to process a really recent loss.
          because of it, i haven't been able to write as much as i did, and i honestly don't know when i'll manage to.
          i wrote one last poem, not a goodbye bc i do plan on getting to writing again, just not right now. (pra quem tava acompanhando os poucos capítulos da história em ptbr, paciência, eventualmente ela volta, e eu também)
          anyways, i don't really know why i felt like explaining this here, but i guess it doesn't hurt, right?
          stay safe out there, and stuff.


@ __evemarie  you don't gotta be sorry! thanks for the support, and for our little interactions, they always make me smile!


I know this is late (I’m so sorry for not seeing this sooner) but here for you babes 