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@luidicrous Well I was planning for Metal Sonic being a kidnapped experiment, but yours is good too. How about shoving the two together?
Metal Sonic got th same shit I've wrote, but instead of being found by the Cunning Hares, he got found by Grace. After the brainchip blew up in his brain, he shut down and got thrown away. The kidnappers didn't care if anyone found his dead body or not since every evidences were covered.
Grace then somehow found him and thought he was a robot. Keep in mind that most of Metal Sonic body was replaced with mechanical limbs, the left arm (ultrakill meme) and the right leg, his brain was also tore out and the entire skull was filled with cybernetic. Only the lower face which was the jaw and the torso, waist, sensitive 'bird' were left.
Grace didn't know and yeah, she tried to fix him. Opening the back of his head becauselike I said, most of his head were cybernetics by now. Took Grace somtime but she managed and Metal woked up in confusion. His memories were altered after the brain chip exploded btw. So Metal thought Grace was like his creator or some shit and just stayed in belobog heavy industries as a new member to the team until the story line happened.