hey y’all, sorry I’ve been m.i.a againnn. I’ve been busy with school, etc. I’ve been thinking on doing another story like “the mendozas” but in 5 years in the future but as a reality show on “e!” (it’s fictional) due to their modeling careers taking off. mindy and Luis will have 2 more kids named Aidan Reeve Mendoza and Sofia Raine Mendoza. Aidan would be 3 in season one (he’s 15 months younger than mindy and Luis’ son Elijah who is still in the early newborn stages in my story). Sofia would be born in the end of the first season of the show (2005). let me know what y’all think. also, what should be a really good ending chapter for my story “the mendozas”. let me knowwww in the comments what you guys think, requests for the new story/ending chapter idea!!!