Kimberly Kimbz, Usually, I would text you this but, I thought this would be more special. I know that I never really thank you or tell you how much you mean to me so I decided to write this. We met almost a year ago on Instagram when you posted something on ooohkilam about meeting new friends on the Internet. I never commented on those type of things because I didn't know how it would go but, I commented on your photo. Ever since then, we have done many things that you can do on the Internet with a best friend. We've kiked each other before we gave our numbers to each other, we made our name together ooohdreamy, and we shared a few different Instagram's together. When I met you, I was very depressed and broken. The people that I thought were my true friends weren't. Someone that I knew since I was three betrayed me and I was hurt. My life was going on the wrong side of the road and I was so scared. I made a Fan Page on Instagram for Demi Lovato last year around this time because Demi was helping me through my rough time. Demi was helping her fans get through things and I wanted to do the same so, Dreamyvato, was born. I didn't have any friends on that Instagram until you. I may not use that Instagram anymore but I'm glad we still talk. Kim, you helped me break out of my shell and I can't thank you enough for that. Whenever I'm feeling sad again, I text you. When I have some exciting news, you're the first person I tell. We may live a few states away from each other but you are my best friend. I love you so much. Thank you for helping me stay strong as well as help me find myself. Honestly, I wouldn't have been able to do it without you. If you ever are feeling down, text me because I will help you. Thank you for everything, I love you.❤️ Yours Truly, Kenzi or as you like to say, Kenzi Hie

What happened to us talking everyday? It's been months and it's weird because you were my best friend. Is it because things have changed, I don't have my Instagram anymore? I miss you :/

@Dreamyvato I'm at my cousins house right now. I literally just got on her computer and logged into Wattpad, just to read. Then I saw this. Kenzi, I love you so much. You mean so much to me. Anything I say right now won't match yours. Yours was more special. Anyway, believe it or not, you've helped me too. You also helped me through tough times. Yeah I have 'other friends' but they aren't as special as you. I don't go into detail when I'm talking about my problems with them. But I do with you. I love you so much and I hope we're friends for the longest time. Love you Kenzi Hie.