Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey. What is up? Is this you? Where is you? Is pizza a vegetable? How do mermaids give birth? Are llamas mammals? How many genders are there for real? Is tom cruise really that short? Does Vin Diesel star in any rom coms? Will Eddie Redmayne ever get to be on Doctor Who? Will Ashton ever get to sit in a tree, eat pine cones and yodel and small children? Will trump ever admit to Area 51? Why do T. Rex's cry rainbows? Ps. What's Forrest Gump's internet password? 1forrest1 Signed, A very bored and really wants to go to sleep but can't mystery_triplets
@mystery_triplets hi. yes. in bed. yes. they don't. no they are godly beings of manifestation. 87. probably. yes, all of them. hopefully. of course, don't doubt my prediction skills. he'll never amount to anything. t rexes don't cry anything as they are dead. I'm tired. goodnight.