
Just Posted the first two chapters of my new book Tainted Love be sure to check it out and let me know!! Thank you in advance.


Honestly does anyone even want me to continue LAML? Because if not I'm going to remove & start a new. I feel like I messed up royally by jot keeping up with it. I'm on Vacation until Tuesday. So write me back & let me know please please any feedback is great feedback. 


Hey guys sorry it's been so long... 2 months geez I suck lol. Well please forgive me as I'm getting back into finishing the story. I just got really busy & haven't had time to write. I'm a baby sitter so every time I tried to write I had a toddler or baby needing me some how. But please please please forgive me & be patient. Love yall❤️


Hey yall the next chapter is going to be up tonight I promise. 
          Now that my sister is out of the hospital & on the road to recovery I will have more time to update more often. 
          Thank you for being so patient & continuing to be loyal followers. Love yall 


Hey yall I'm sooo sorry it's been a month since I've updated. I'm working on the update now. It's just been a crazy few weeks with my sister in the hospital & me having to take care of her 5month old. 
          Thank you for being so patient. 