
Hey guys I am going to get rid of my book Malec, for various reasons, most importantly because i feel very unsatisfied with the book itself and have no motivation whatsoever to continue writing it


Can you write a Malec fic where Alec is really drunk and won't stop telling Magnus how beautiful he is and how much he loves him and how much he want to get f.ucked by him ( yes I need some smut xD) and then they have sex and the next morning Alec wakes up in Magnus' bed next to a adorable sleeping Magnus and has a hangover and forgot everything and his back hurts ;)))))) xD 


It's my birthday so thanks to anyone who wished me a happy birthday it means a lot 


Lol thanks it was a couple months ago but it's still really appreciated!!!


            evEN THOUGH i DON'T KNOW YOU


guys sorry i haven't been able to post updates i forgot the password to my Wattpad and got locked out but i got in today so i will be updating sometime this week or next week so stay tuned!!! and trust me it will all make sense and get better in the next chapter or in the next few chapters


Happy Turkey day every one hope you all had or have a great holiday and christmas is just around the corner so can't wait for that and even if you don't celebrate thanksgiving or christmas i still hope you all had a great day! happy thanksgiving and during the holidays i will try and post more chapters on my book. happy thanksgiving again!!!!!


Hey guys sorry i haven't been updating this week it's just that i have been taking exams all week and my laptop mouse stopped working so every time i'd try to log in it would freeze up. but i got a new laptop and i have been working on chapter 12 all week on my phone so that should be out soon. so sorry again i'll try harder to update>


so sorry about saying that i would update soon like a few weeks ago but i've been so busy with school lately but i'll try harder so i will try to at least update at least a paragraph tomorrow no promises but thanks to all my followers and all the reads i get on my book it means alot that people like my writing thank you! love you all byee!