
Hello everyone! 
          	First off, I just want to say a massive thank you to all who have read and are solely invested in this story. I truly appreciate seeing you all fall in love with the story (and yes I know that I make Elizabeth cry way too much). I read each and every comment that is left. 
          	Now, I know I haven’t updated in over 6 months and I am truly sorry for that. I started this story nearly 4 years ago, just as a way to put my love for Phantom of the Opera into my own words. I never thought it would’ve taken off like it has (all to you guys). As time has gone on, I’ve found less and less time to sit down and write chapters. 
          	But there is still so much to be told. I owe that to you guys. I owe the story of Elizabeth and Erik’s love to you guys. So, please stick with me. It’s going to take a while, but I promise you I will finish this story for you guys. I know exactly how I want it to play out, I just have to figure out all the inbetweens in order to make the story enjoyable.
          	If you stick with me, I promise you, you won’t regret it. 
          	Thank you, 


@lukesagoodboy Hey, sorry this is late, but I can't wait!!! Phantom of the Opera is my jam rn.


Hello everyone! 
          First off, I just want to say a massive thank you to all who have read and are solely invested in this story. I truly appreciate seeing you all fall in love with the story (and yes I know that I make Elizabeth cry way too much). I read each and every comment that is left. 
          Now, I know I haven’t updated in over 6 months and I am truly sorry for that. I started this story nearly 4 years ago, just as a way to put my love for Phantom of the Opera into my own words. I never thought it would’ve taken off like it has (all to you guys). As time has gone on, I’ve found less and less time to sit down and write chapters. 
          But there is still so much to be told. I owe that to you guys. I owe the story of Elizabeth and Erik’s love to you guys. So, please stick with me. It’s going to take a while, but I promise you I will finish this story for you guys. I know exactly how I want it to play out, I just have to figure out all the inbetweens in order to make the story enjoyable.
          If you stick with me, I promise you, you won’t regret it. 
          Thank you, 


@lukesagoodboy Hey, sorry this is late, but I can't wait!!! Phantom of the Opera is my jam rn.


Hi author! how are you? I just want to say that I love your POTO book and I can't wait to see the next chapter I just read it today and also finished it today and I saw that your last update of it is in August so I'm just gonna ask if you're ok? ❤


          I just finished your Phantom storyyy!!! I’M OFFICIALLY HOOKED.
          Ever since I was around 8/9 years old (I have always adored the Gerard Butler version. To this day, the opening scene —when the organ starts playing— *still* gives me chills) I’ve LOVED the Phantom dearly. Literally... I cried when Christine didn’t choose Erik. Like, really? He loves you... and you choose stupid, pansy Raul??!?! 
          I love Lizzie, and I loved how you wrote her love for Erik —and vice versa. It was beautifully descriptive, and Erik’s POV is always a treat to read!
          Can’t wait for the next chapter! 
          P.S. ~ please don’t kill Lizzie or Erik! They need a happy endinggg!!! 


Hello my lovelies,
          I don’t know if you all saw, but I started a Draco Malfoy book! For all of you Harry Potter fans, I hope you enjoy it. 
          I’m still working on the next chapter of Phantom. I’ve hit a bit of a writers block :((((( 
          I’m trying to get my creative thoughts going again, which is way I started the Draco book. Go check it out ❤️ Drop a comment and a vote if you’d like :) 


@StarTiger73 thank you so much ❤️❤️


@lukesagoodboy I love both HP and Phantom. You are now one of my new favorite people on wattpad. Thank you.