
please note that the new book I'm working on is the best writing that has ever come from my brain I'm so excited


I back this it’s incredible 


hey guys thank you for being patient with me! was very unmotivated for while and am currently having a very tough time in general but i hope to be consistently back to writing and posting soon! i love seeing your comments still though they definetely make me wanna come back a little more each one:)


if I wanted to make some sort of writer gc to have and give a safe resource space for some writers to get help from, would anyone be interested?


any authors or editors! where do you find clips for edits? specifically for an updated book trailer? i love editing but i have such a hard time finding clips!


I usually look for clips by like searching what I’m looking for on google, and usually videos will appear from like stock and stuff but I do recommend also searching YouTube !! I hope this helps <33


hey loves, who’s down for a new chapter tonight? 5k words sound good?