
Hello all,
          	Wow... it's been a while huh? I would just like to formally apologise for the delay in the update for Vampire Hunter, if I'm completely honest? I FORGOT about it! 
          	I'm now at university studying to be a journalist so I'm deciding on whether or not to come back to Wattpad for one final hurrah and finish what I started. 
          	Thank you all so much for the comments and votes, it means so much to know that the Vampire Hunter means a lot to you all. 
          	Now that I know the password for this account again... watch this space and keep my notifications on. I may have a new chapter coming your way soon. 
          	L x


Hello all,
          Wow... it's been a while huh? I would just like to formally apologise for the delay in the update for Vampire Hunter, if I'm completely honest? I FORGOT about it! 
          I'm now at university studying to be a journalist so I'm deciding on whether or not to come back to Wattpad for one final hurrah and finish what I started. 
          Thank you all so much for the comments and votes, it means so much to know that the Vampire Hunter means a lot to you all. 
          Now that I know the password for this account again... watch this space and keep my notifications on. I may have a new chapter coming your way soon. 
          L x


So... It's been a while since I've logged into this site. 
          I have some bad news. Vampire Hunter has been discontinued. I haven't got time to sit down and plan a way for this story to continue. I did have a huge plan on what I was going to do but my computer's hard drive literally exploded and I lost everything. 
          The only copy of Vampire Hunter I have is on this account. Maybe, when I find the time, I will complete it but, as for now, it's on hold. 
          I'm 19, turning 20 soon, and I'm trying to plan what to do with the rest of my life and from October 2016 I will be studying in university. Maybe then I can bring back Vampire Hunter and finish it for you. 
          Thank you so much for 16.1K reads on it! 
          I hope to see you all soon! (Maybe a new update soon as a thank you..) 
          L x


Sorry I'm not massively active on here. Also for the long wait of the Vampire Hunter chapter. I've been through a lot since December and I'm just starting to get into the routine of writing again. 
          I have a full time job as well so the updates will be random and limited. But I promise I will complete Vampire Hunter! The other author and I are adamant we do it. 
          There's only going to be 20 chapters so beware of the drama about to happen in the oncoming chapters. 
          Thank you all for following, reading, leaving comment and kudos. You all rock. 
          L x