
After a long break, I return to confirm my living status! I forgot to officially announce it earlier, but today I’m welcoming [Ailments of Yearning] into our family. The first chapter has been posted!
          	This revenge-riddled tale tells of the perilous journey of a low-ranking Guide with a single purpose, and the blood-stained crawl to the peak of the Base with the ambiguous, sometimes unhelpful aid of the unpredictable top-ranking Esper.
          	This is an apocalyptic guideverse carved of misfortune, humanity’s desperate survival, and the destruction that follows it. 
          	It’s a new area (ish) for me, and I’m so eager to have you join me along this new journey, but if not, I hope to see you in the future! I promise, a more light-hearted story will eventually see light… my fingers just naturally deviate…
          	Regardless, wishing you a 2025 that grants you all your wonderful dreams and hopes, and thank you so much for being here, previously or now, and for being you.


@meelisssa90 HELLO happy to see you too, and I’m super excited for you to follow this new journey too!! 


@whiteshifter HI I never got the notif for this I’m sorry! I bought it and started it but got busy with school  but it’s super pleasing and I’m really liking the storyline so far


Omg! So happy to see your return! Hope you are well and can't wait to follow your new adventure 


Hiii, I just started to read one of your stories again and I just wanted to tell you how much fun I'm always having with your writing!!
          You're seriously one of my fav artists on this app and I can't wait to start your new book once there are a few more updates on it ♡♡ 
          (You should seriously consider publishing your stories, I think they would do great.. even though I would be heartbroken not to have them on this app anymore haha) 


@Un0wnL0v3 THANK YOU SO GLAD YOU'RE HAVING FUN!! (this reply is so overdue, but I'm very thankful!) I hope you enjoy it as well once it gets kicking a little more!
            And let's say, potential plans have been made for a little fun publishing project... I'll likely confirm things more once I'm set in stone!


Luki~ I'm so glad you're back!! Can't wait to read your new book. I was just looking for some new stories when I randomly decided to check on your account and bam! I was pleasantly surprised with a new story~ ugh. If I had come back sooner I would found out the day you published it but oh well, I'm here now!


@AizasReality Hello~ I'm glad to be back too! And to see you! No worries, now there's a few chapters to read hahaha so maybe it's better! Happy reading~ I hope you like it! c:


Hi, just a random wattpad commenter here. I just really want to say that I adore all your works and all the characters you create. Forgive me if this sounds insane [I've been told I have a few screws loose in my head, said with affection] but I would love to dissect your brain and uncover just how you work through your characters [this is a compliment I swear I don't actually want to do it TvT I just don't know how else to express this.
          I love how you characterise your characters. I love how you write. You have been a very long inspiration of mine ever since I found you through the Scum fifth prince book [I cannot remember the full name for the life of me (TTwTT)] and I have been reading ever since. Honestly you're one of the few authors I still have wattpad for lol. Idk if I've commented on the scum fifth prince book but otherwise I've mostly been a silent reader, admiring your work from afar and never really expressing the depths of just how much I have enjoyed your books [and cried to them too].
          Then Kaden and Noah Bellamy rammed into my life like a truck [kun] and I binged like all the updates I could in one sitting. Then, waiting for you to update, I may have re-read the story [in it's ~58 chapter glory] like four times. And then just today I finished binging the last roughly 40 chapters of your story in a day. Honestly I love the ending you gave them both, and reading all your author's notes full of your questions and philosophies [I love reading through all your authors notes lmao] have actually helped given me a perspective on my own characters. Idk if I'm ever going to publish my own story, whether it be online or in real life, but either ways you have helped me improve my writing through leaps and bounds as I dissect your story [I would legit like to use your stories as practice for my 'writer's effect' exercises] along with some other authors I see as my sort-of idols.
          [running out of space now, how sad (ToT)]


@Ghosty_weirdo Let me start off by saying hearing you say you want to dissect my head is the highest compliment (I too would like to dissect many brilliant minds to figure out how they work, so I'm very honoured!) I'm so glad you like the notes too LOL I always end up rambling and am like, oof I really just wrote a whole jarble! It's so exciting hearing from another writer too, I hope that you do, and I will you all the luck and success in the world with it!!
            I am a stockpiler too, so no worries at all! I'm jumping around genres (although they definitely carry similar themes LOL) so even if one isn't up your ally, I hope I can see you in future stories! I think you've expressed yourself so well, and once again, thank you so much and good luck to your writing ventures!! (Thus, I don't feel any awkwardness so don't worry!) I appreciate you!
            Happy reading and writing~


Also also, just an extra P.s., I've alr read a bit of Everlasting End, and honestly I'm once again in love with your work, author-san :P


Back to what I was saying~
            I almost forgot we have replies for a reason lmaoo-
            I just wanted to say that whatever you publish, I'll read it! [I'm trying to read your past works that I haven't read yet, Everlasting End, I think it was called? And I'll be honest I'm the type of reader to stockpile chapters before reading it in one go so I'll probably read your new book when it's like halfway complete or there's enough chapters for me to binge [no pressure though! I understand if there are complications along the way that would have to make me wait longer. Srsly author take care of your health first, rather than put your stories as your first priority. We readers understand that you are human (*0-0)]
            I might actually publish my own work later in life [I do not really like typing my prose onto computer, so I write it down first] but we'll see! Anyways I should really stop rambling off topic and say that the reason I am typing this message is bc how to make a sinner sleep may or may not have given me a huge ass motivation boost to continue writing my own stories, and I want to thank you for it. [Can you tell I'm a little awkward because I don't know how to express properly just how much I love your stories and how I'm always cheering for you in the sidelines because I'm a silent reader and have no idea how to show my gratitude like the more active commenters in your stories? If no, then thank god]
            Anyways, looking forward to reading your other stories! 
            ~WAD [mainly Willow]


After a long break, I return to confirm my living status! I forgot to officially announce it earlier, but today I’m welcoming [Ailments of Yearning] into our family. The first chapter has been posted!
          This revenge-riddled tale tells of the perilous journey of a low-ranking Guide with a single purpose, and the blood-stained crawl to the peak of the Base with the ambiguous, sometimes unhelpful aid of the unpredictable top-ranking Esper.
          This is an apocalyptic guideverse carved of misfortune, humanity’s desperate survival, and the destruction that follows it. 
          It’s a new area (ish) for me, and I’m so eager to have you join me along this new journey, but if not, I hope to see you in the future! I promise, a more light-hearted story will eventually see light… my fingers just naturally deviate…
          Regardless, wishing you a 2025 that grants you all your wonderful dreams and hopes, and thank you so much for being here, previously or now, and for being you.


@meelisssa90 HELLO happy to see you too, and I’m super excited for you to follow this new journey too!! 


@whiteshifter HI I never got the notif for this I’m sorry! I bought it and started it but got busy with school  but it’s super pleasing and I’m really liking the storyline so far


Omg! So happy to see your return! Hope you are well and can't wait to follow your new adventure 


I love your stories. I love the way you write. I really like how all your characters feel so alive. It's as if I'm right there, at the side, bearing witness as everything unfolds.
           I have a thing with my memory. Where every book that I read, I barely remember the names of the characters, as well as the title. However, I remember clearly the feelings that I have felt in reading a story. And in all your stories, there was no moment that I have felt nothing. What I mean to say is that, these writings of yours speak to my soul.
          On the very first chapter, I would search for a feeling, not really any specific type of emotion but just a feeling. If I don't find it, I would not continue reading the rest. I remember downloading one novel of yours, the everlasting end. Reading the first chapter, my interest was piqued, and so, I read. Then suddenly, I was at the story's end. I thought that it was good, so I visited your profile to see if you had any other works and there it was, two more stories.


@salted_fishy I was feeling emotional reading through this, thank you seriously so much for all your words, please never apologize for a long message, I adore each and every word! I'm so glad they were able to make an imprint on your heart, I also tend to forget easily and don't remember stories too well, but there are those that just linger in shapeless ways!
            Hearing that you came from Of Everlasting End is especially amazing, because I know it's not as popular but a treasure to me all the same, so thank you so much! You, and all others, loud or quiet, I definitely notice and stare in a daze for every comment, every message or every like or addition to a library or follow, all those little notifications I do take note of! So much love to you~


I was happy, I expected that the two other story would not pale in comparison to the first that I read, and so, I read another. When I finished, I moved to "how to make a sinner sleep". Both stories far exceeded my expectations. Both were fine novels, all well written. Then, I find myself here, writing this long ass message after I had just reached the ending. 
            I had just wanted to say 'I like your stories', but those words just cannot express all these things that I have said so far, a simple sentence like that might have sufficed, but I wanted to say more. I'm sorry if this was really long. All I really meant to say was that, I hope you keep writing, hope you are healthy, and just really wish you never stop, but that would be too exhausting for if you did not rest, so rest if needed.
             If you find your self publishing another story, I will definitely read it, though you might not notice.
            I am inclined to believe that you didn't know you had a reader such as me, because I never really made my presence known from what I remember. But I am here, every one of us, your readers, will always be here for your stories. 
            Thank you for your stories, and I am really sorry for this really long message. 


I miss your stories, when will you come back? I hope you have a good day everyday. I will wait for your next beautiful story. 


@Eika344 I hope you're having the best-est day everyday! I'm aiming to post at the end of this month, maybe on the last day of the year or Christmas (undecided!) It'll be a guideverse/apocalypse story this time!


I love your stories so much, I REALLY DO, I spent all night reading your works TT please make moreee


@freshryebread PERFECT it’s meant to be hahaha 




@freshryebread THANK YOU I hope you managed to get some sleep though!! Hahaha I plan to soon, my next novel if everything goes accordingly should be a guideverse/apocalypse style! Hopefully that's up your alley, but if not I'll be writing morein the future too!!


LUKIYOOOO I use your list of stories that you recommended and OH MY GOSH ⁉️⁉️⁉️ I absolutely fell in love with The Rebirth of A Movie Star and Don't Pick Up Boyfriends From The Trash Bin (I think that's how it's spelled?) so much that I can't stop recommending them to other people on Tiktok who are in search of some good reads!! Without your list, I'd be lost searching for good novels 


@AizasReality Yesssss~~~~ It's so good! Thinking about it now, once I finish Global Examination I'll probably re read it again.


@AizasReality YAY that's awesome, I'm so glad you liked them! I don't think I've gotten through Don't Pick up Boyfriends yet, but The Rebirth of a Movie Star was def a good read, it's been so long since I read it!!