
Ok help I’m spamming everyone but I’m the one crying rn help help


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Why ALL good people in this word suffer??????????? I’m not talking bout me because I’m obviously not a good person but
          My best friend just found out that her fucking boyfriend (my best friend too) was actually having ANOTHER affair
          How do I stab him???? I’m really mad at the word rn, sorry for the spam


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AND NOW SHES CRYING IN HER BEDROOM AND I DONT KNOW HOW TO HELP HER, because she was fucking betrayed and I was never betrayed TWICE, and I don’t really know how to help her
            She said that she’s afraid that everyone is going to forget about her, and she said ir crying to me : ((((((((((( I want to hug her but I cannot
            Seriously, she should be treated better
            Still not knowing how to stab him