
It’s so sad that we can’t read WATTPAD books anymore without either wifi or a premium account. There’s a lot of free books on here but you need wifi to read them like what’s the point? Why can’t we just open WATTPAD on the go and read a free story like we used to? Now that they’ve changed it,I’ve noticed I don’t go on here anymore cos I can’t read anything when I’m out of the house which is more than half of the day cos of no wifi.


It’s so sad that we can’t read WATTPAD books anymore without either wifi or a premium account. There’s a lot of free books on here but you need wifi to read them like what’s the point? Why can’t we just open WATTPAD on the go and read a free story like we used to? Now that they’ve changed it,I’ve noticed I don’t go on here anymore cos I can’t read anything when I’m out of the house which is more than half of the day cos of no wifi.


so I've been writing this story for a while and the only person who has shown any interest at all in them is abominationsiren so I wanted to say a huuugggeee thank you to her for being active,supportive and loving my story..P.s- if you haven't read her Blonde Suicide, you should definitely check it out,its d bomb and I'm completely hooked..thanks again cortnie.