
Follow @pastel_monster in the next year or so I will be uploading a story there, it will be a accomplished story about one girl named Sophina and her endeavors as she discovers that in fact, her own little perfect world as a human is not so perfect, or human at that. 


Thanks for all your votes on Roses and Sonatas and on Memories and Shadows! I'm glad you're enjoying them! Both stories are complete now, plus I've posted a short sequel to Roses and Sonatas, if you're interested. I hope you have a great day! :)


Ahh, I'm so happy you're reading another of my stories! :D Hope you enjoy this one, too!


Yes, I admit I put my characters through some pretty rough times, but one consolation: I am, in general, a believer in happy (though not necessarily fairy-tale) endings. Thank you for all your votes! :)


 Im already enjoying it, wow really bad muscomunication in that relationship. Poor neil walking in on him kissing her, than he left.