
if you need any ideas for you hp fanfiction go and check our my story ideas! there is absolutely no payment needed, just your patience for my stay in your inbox if you adopt one of them ♥


"cries over remus lupin"
          hah same. also, congrats on 100 followers! if that matters or not idk 


haha aw, thanks! that's a shame, it was 100 whenever i followed 


@colorfulxtears we're so lit, we're legit *cries softly as she realizes she's the new soundcloud rapper*
            aaaw, thank you (even though it's not exactly a 100 rn), you're so sweet! it does matter, it really makes me happy <3


i really have problems with tdc, it's currently at 1.2k words and not even half done; i'm not sure when i'll post it or how long it is going to be (3k possibly?), but i hope i'll finish it soon. it's been eating me alive; ALSO, i've got inspired for another story which is totally annoying me rn


I just wanted to say that the third chapter of TDC will be made into a draft tomorrow for some editing, and will, hopefully, republished the same day. I will start working on the fourth chapter tomorrow and it will probably be posted on Sunday - no post on Sunday doesn't work for me. *grins*
          Chapter four - The Meeting of the Birds will introduce you to new character as well as the rest of the Marauders and some other crazy sh---stuff, yeah. Hope you'll like it!
          Also, thank you so much for reading, I seriously hope you like it. ♥