Guys, I did it. I finished "Ana". It was the most difficult ending I've ever had to write, which I suppose is fitting since it is the most personal thing I have written in my life. It's really about my struggle before anything else, and I can't believe so many people have read it. I am so very grateful. I can't believe I'm done. It's over. That's hard to swallow. This story has been apart of my life for such a long time, even before I joined wattpad.
Anyway, I suppose that is not the point of this post. The point is to encourage you to read the ending, especially if you have been with me for a while. Thank you all for reading and commenting. Thank you all for bringing awareness to my story in your own way. Thank you for just being there. It has helped me tremendously through this long year. Just thank you.
Please read, comment, vote, etc. I couldn't do any of this without you guys and hope you'll enjoy the ending. Thanks!