
Stop spreading hate!
          	Stop being cruel!
          	Just walk away! 


—The key difference between Armin and Erwin's sacrifice is the way it was portrayed. 
          While Armin was shown in the light of him giving up his dreams to reach the sea.
          Erwin was in the shadow of obsession, of sacrificing the odds to stay alive and reach the basement to satisfy his curiosity and recover that proof for his father, but he sacrificed himself for humanity.
          Erwin's goal to reach the basement, which holds the key to secrets of their world that can either tip things in or against their favor against the titans, is considered selfish, but not Armin's simple dream, Sea, which is a childish hope in a world where all have some goal as a driving force behind their actions.
          The has point been made, the rest can be evaluated, and hypotheses can ensue.


—Armin's dream is to see the sea. While it sounds quite promising and dreamy and hopeful n all, let's face reality. His goal is sea. And his friends. And his friends are survey corps members. One is the titan; another is ex-survey corp member Annie, who is also a titan and has shown chemistry between them. His best friend is a titan and ackerman who is in love with the said titan, Eren. Can you really tell me that he can command them without hesitation with no bias? He is not confident against Mikasa or Eren. Any talk or fight against their affirmations, & he shuts down. 
          Yes, Armin has contributed. Be it strategic planning or being manipulative and exploiting Berthold. 
          But in the first two seasons, Armin flows under the pressure. And when his friends are involved. Be it standing up against shadis for Eren or guilt-tripping Berthold by using Annie for Eren. And during the search, remembering the point of titans in the walls, but Erwin was under custody during that scene, which does not dissolve him of it but still.


I think comparing Erwin's sacrifice with Armin is foolish. Not only bcuz Erwin was commander of the corps and Armin was a fledgling, but bcuz of the difference between their goals and experience.
          Erwin had years under him commanding people, coming up with battle plans & tactics to not only fight on the battlefield against titans but also among people like the military corps. That mind to exploit and manipulate situations and people alike when needed to fight civil battles like the one in season 3.
          They both sacrificed their dreams, but Erwin's usually gets disregarded. Why? His original goal was to discover if humans were outside the walls. How does that not contribute to their fight for humanity? His goal deviated from that to the basement bcuz he knew that was the key to not only discovering what's beyond the walls but also clues for their fight against titans. He was astute, so can you really tell me he did not know that basement held clues to their titan problems when Eren is literally in the center of it with his father, 'a doctor' with all the mysteries surrounding that basement? 
          Erwin was the necessary voice and head. Like Levi once said, all he needed to do was sit behind the desk and work his brain.
          He had that strong foothold that commanded respect. With all he contributed throughout the years, his word holds value not only among the military and corps but also for the people in authority.


I wish either Kishimoto or Mikio would make some OVA chps of- one, how Minato became 'Konoha's Yellow Flash,' two, how Sakumo became 'White Fang' & third, how Kakashi became known as 'Sharingan no Kakashi of Thousand Jutsus.'
          Just like Minato & Kushina's spin-off prequel.


Hey, I know this is abrupt and weird for you but please listen, maybe you are new here but many good books here gets removed because many imposters try to copy the main writer and spread rumors . the @taehee123 you are following is also such imposter and the real writer is @taehee123_ , the literal proof s that on the second taehee's account , there you can see her conversations . They are years old even when she stopped writing , she put the announcement there . I have been following the real one since she started publishing the books . 
          I am writing it personally to every of her follower because , the place where you see public comments, she is deleting and blocking everyone who is writing the truth there.
          I know she is saying that we don't have any other jobs that we are doing this but please understand,who read books from years here become the real supporter of authors. 
          I am just requesting you to not follow the imposter and please report her account. You can do this by the three dot beside the following button in her account.
          I am doing all this by creating a new another account for the safety of my original account.
          The decisions is your. I am just informing the truth to everyone because real authors stop writing just because of these fake accounts.


@Bhanumla I had my doubts about it. I unfollowed & reported that account yesterday. 


I'm here to talk about how foolish some people can be.
          I think people who freak out & criticize about age gaps between fictional characters are the most craziest & the stupidest people. Basically, loafers with need to vent their emotional wrath online by criticising or hating others for irrational & inefficient reasons. 
          I was reading an ff, where I saw some criticisms about age difference & they started calling that character a pedo... 
          You read the tags, the summary the title & u know what u r walking into then why the heck r u complaining? Infact in real life, Ryan & Blake they both are such loved couples & they have the age gap of 11 yrs. If u can beat that why r u having issues with a 12 or 15 age gap in fictional stories? Hell in real life there's an age gap of like freaking 20 or 25, sometimes even more & there r still few accepting audience to their collective. 
          This is not constructive criticism, if these idiots think that's what they r doing then stop with it, cuz u r not. People need to stop with their 'practical criticism.' Bcuz stop being so practical, It's a frickin fiction/fantasy for a reason. If u need practical joy go read novels or biographies. Not every fictional story has to have practical sense in them. 
          Stop trying to relate ur life to fanfiction which is most often made for joy. If u want some practical sense in them, there are angst novels, so go find them. Bcuz u can't get practical story without any sort of angst.
          So u don't have to like it, but if u don't like it just leave or don't read at all. STOP WITH THE HATE!