Hi! I am writing on the first chapter of Changing right now. I have not posted yet since I want the first chapter to be good. The story will be in 2-3 seasons and in the first season it will be 30 chapters since there are 30 days in July I think, if there is 31 it will be 31 chapters.
Love ur lil swed fangirl
Hi! I have been gone for a long time now and I feel really bad for it. I do not feel like talking about why right now since it is kind of personal, but when I feel ready I will tell you all. Anyways I will start on a new fanfic because my interest for pll is totally lost after I watched the show 15 times. I promise to update soon.
Love ur lil swed fangirl <3
I´m so sorry that I haven´t updated, but I´ve been busy af with school and my instgram fan account @spobylimerance. But I will try to update this week if I don´t have too much homework and assignments to work on. Have a nice day guys. Ly all <3 <3 <3