
Hey, I'm really out of Ideas for new books, like I kinda have a genre but no Ideas for the base. So I thought that you guys could help me out. Ok, so this is what I got so far:
          	Idea 1 
          	- Something about a girl helping a Lion out of captivity
          	- action and a bit of fantasy and fiction
          	- already decided on the name : Lion girl
          	Idea 2
          	- Something about wolves
          	- fantasy
          	- no Ideas on the name yet
          	Idea 3
          	- something about a girl that can shift into animals
          	- fantasy
          	- again no Ideas for the name
          	Idea 4
          	- something about a griffin mage
          	- fantasy
          	- no Ideas for the name
          	Please answer if you have any tips or Ideas for me! 
          	Thanks so much
          	Your lunabloodymoon


Hey, I'm really out of Ideas for new books, like I kinda have a genre but no Ideas for the base. So I thought that you guys could help me out. Ok, so this is what I got so far:
          Idea 1 
          - Something about a girl helping a Lion out of captivity
          - action and a bit of fantasy and fiction
          - already decided on the name : Lion girl
          Idea 2
          - Something about wolves
          - fantasy
          - no Ideas on the name yet
          Idea 3
          - something about a girl that can shift into animals
          - fantasy
          - again no Ideas for the name
          Idea 4
          - something about a griffin mage
          - fantasy
          - no Ideas for the name
          Please answer if you have any tips or Ideas for me! 
          Thanks so much
          Your lunabloodymoon