A teenager who keeps on daydreaming, slowly building her own world, trying to escape reality. She's a hot tempered girl who hates 'bullying, gender basis, racism.' She's been using her ugly big eyeglasses since 2nd year of high school because she's a fool for using her classmate's eyeglasses in elementary. She also has thick, frizzy, and super duper dry hair because she said when she's young that 'combing her hair is just a waste of time'. She's having a brace because her teeth is uneven, it's the result for being a pasaway to her mother. And now that she hits her puberty, she's surely insecure over herself. Although many says she's a living nerd and, a nerd is a famous character from a novel, she still hates it. She's a nerd but she doesn't have the brain. She lacks in beauty and brain. But then she has her everyday quote for others

'Don't look down on others, it won't lift you up'

She's also a Ghibli fun
  • JoinedNovember 3, 2017