
Hey guys, I just started a new book! It's called Short Stories, and I think the title is pretty self-explanatory. Anyways, my first short story has been published so feel free to check that out.  :)


I have updated "Not Brain Dead", enjoy! Reminder: don't take any insults the zombies say about humans personally, these do not qualify to most humans at this time. This is set in the future during the zombie apocalypse, not now. I am literally just writing this all long and detailed to get people's attention. READ MA BOOK PLEZ.


Considering I have absolutely 0 views on my journal entry that I posted a while ago, I thought it was necessary to give you a reminder that I have a journal and there's a entry no one's seen. (I don't think that many people even knew about my journal so that's another reason I'm giving you this notification)