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Ok so like how do y’all have like any patience for me? I am suuuuuper inconsistent on posting and my writing is effectively what I wish was happening to me it’s not even super clean or nice. Like personally I have absolutely zero patience for waiting for story updates or even reading. I know it’s ironic I CANT STAND READING writing is just super different for me. It’s like I’m in control and I like it much better but actually reading? Ew why. Anyway what was I saying? Dang this is what I’m like irl not all nice and put together like my writing may suggest. I don’t really understand how my friends stand me, like I’m such a f***ing spaz. Oh god I did it again: ANYWAY WHAT I WAS GONNA SAY, thank you all for supporting I’m story and leaving nice comments and voting it and putting up with my dumbass especially on things like spelinf and grammar. Also don’t forget to show my sero Mina story some love too cause Yk it’s there too, and who knows maybe you’ll like it more.